Male Fertility
Why are millions of sperm needed, while only one will fertilize the egg?
Why are millions of sperm needed, while only one will fertilize the egg?
The battle that sperm cells give to fertilize the egg is merciless. They have no help from the female reproductive organs....
7 Reasons that elevate the PSA value
7 Reasons that elevate the PSA value
The prostate test (PSA) detects and measures the levels of a protein in the blood that is called prostate specific antigen (PSA). Prostate cancer makes PSA...
Male fertility: What you need to know
Male fertility: What you need to know
When the couple strives for a child and the process does not go as hoped, then the burden of failure, especially in traditional patriarchal societies, falls...
Do I need to check my sperm quality?
According to statistical findings, infertility affects approximately 10-15% of couples of reproductive age and remains a major medical problem. Although the common feeling is that infertility is a...
Sperm is reported to have been created for the first time in a laboratory
French researchers have reportedly created, for the first time in a laboratory, "fully formed" human sperm cells, offering new hope for the tens of thousands of couples around the world who suffer...
Poor sperm quality and overall health
Young men with fertility problems may experience other health problems later in life, according to a research published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.
Vascular, heart and skin diseases,...