Are you trying for a baby? Stop comparing yourself to others!

Are you trying for a baby? Stop comparing yourself to others!
Many couples trying for a baby often think they will see a positive pregnancy test with the first or second attempt. If you too are in this category, but that has not happened yet, just relax. It may need a little more time.
The rule of thumb says that for women under the age of 35, it is recommended that you try to conceive for twelve months continuously, before you visit your doctor. After the age of 35, contact your gynecologist if you have not been arrested within six months. In this rule, we are interested in conceiving and not if your pregnancy was stopped early. For example, if there is a retrograde pregnancy, this is considered a successful conception.
Pregnancy is not the same for everyone
As far as conception is concerned, every couple is different. There are couples that conceive with the first attempt, while others try for months without success. Couples who try for months without success, usually wonder if there is a problem. It doesn't necessarily mean there is one.
The best thing to keep in mind is that conception is never certain or put into statistical rules. Don't compare yourself with others. Some people conceive easily, while others have to be more patient and persistent.
Fortunately, there are things you can try to realize your dreams to keep your baby in your arms.
What can you do to help in conceiving?
Pregnancy comes differently to each woman.
This is the golden rule that you should always have in your mind.
You may be pressured by your family or friends, you may be forced to compare yourself with friends or relatives who succeeded in conceiving with the first attempts. But try to change your way of thinking.
Along with the positive way of thinking, you can follow the steps below:
- Relax: The first thing you need to do is relax. Continuous anxiety adds stress to the body and actually it can make the whole process of conceiving more difficult. Continuous and daily stress is harmful as it can make the female cycle unstable and the sperm to lose its quality.
- Learn your cycles: If you have not already done so, start now. Calculate your cycles for the previous 12 months at least. Count the days that each cycle lasts (from the first day of your period to the next first day of your next period). See if your cycles are stable or unstable. Check if in the near past you had some cycles that were out of the ordinary in duration.
- Make sure you find your fertile days every month: These are the only days in which conception is possible. The easiest and most reliable way of detecting your fertile day is the ovulation tests. Sexual contacts that occur during the months you are not absolutely sure of your ovulation day, should not be counted in the unsuccessful attempts rule described above.
- Check your partner's sperm: It is now confirmed that about 50% of couples will experience infertility problems, and in 50% of those couples, the male is solely responsible. That's why every man should check their sperm to be sure that they are fertile, as well as their prostate, if they are over 30 years old.
- Don't have sex every day: Having sex every day for the purpose of conception, gives a sense of "work", puts pressure on both partners, and also weakens semen too, reducing the number of sperm. Find your fertile day with the ovulation tests and focus your efforts on the day of the positive ovulation test, the next and the one after that. Three days in a row, as many sexual contacts as you can.
- Improve your diet: To ensure optimal fertility, you also need to focus on a balanced diet consisting of many fruits and vegetables and avoid toxic substances such as cigarettes and alcohol. Overweight but also underweight are both negative factors when it comes to conception. So keep a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index) and do moderate exercise.
If you have tried everything without success, visiting your gynecologist is the next step.
A fertility specialist can help
Many negative pregnancy tests, don't mean that you will never become parents, but maybe just that you need special assistance. First of all, it is recommended to make an appointment with your gynecologist for a complete check out.
Your doctor may check you for possible sexually transmitted diseases, check your hormone levels (including your thyroid gland), check you ferritin levels, suggest you do the specified prenatal examinations and also do an ultrasound. Depending on the cause of conception problems, appropriate measures will be taken.
Although most women may think getting pregnant is easy, this is not always the case. Keep in mind that statistically the likelihood of becoming pregnant is only about 15-25% in each menstrual cycle. When you and your partner decide that you are ready to become a parent, never lose hope. The time required for conception varies between couples. And we, here at HomeTest, with more than a decade of experience, have witnessed hundreds of unexpected pregnancies!
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