I want to get pregnant. How will ovulation tests help me?

What is ovulation?
How do I detect the peak of the hormone?
When should I have intercourse in order to get pregnant?
Do ovulation tests help?
How soon will I get pregnant?
Why do I need to find my ovulation?
These are the most common questions and will be answered below:
Friends who are familiar with HomeTest, know well what ovulation tests are and how much they help women to become pregnant.
For those of you who don't know, but have heard of ovulation tests, please read the following:
What is ovulation?
To ovulate, the mature egg must be released from the follicle and move into the fallopian tube. Within the next 24-48 hours, it has the potential to be fertilized by the strongest sperm. Every month women have their period. They also ovulate every month. In order to ovulate, some hormones work together from the beginning of the cycle to that day.
How do I detect the peak of the hormone?
In ovulation, we are primarily interested in the hormone LH. LH is usually the hormone responsible for the ovulation. LH peaks 24 hours before the mature egg is released from the follicle and in conjunction with FSH, they peak together and ovulation takes place. The surge is detected ONLY by an ovulation test. HomeTest ovulation tests are available in strips, midstream and digital type.
When should I have intercourse in order to get pregnant?
HomeTest ovulation tests in strips and midstream type, detect the peak of LH, so when you have the positive result in your hands, you know that the next two days are your fertile days and you can plan your intercourse. At HomeTest, we always recommend that you start your intercourse on the day of the first positive result and continue for 2 days afterwards. HomeTest digital ovulation tests on the other hand, detect the peak of the combination of LH and FSH and similarly, when you have the positive test in your hands, you know that the next two days are your fertile days and you plan your intercourse.
Below you can watch how to use ovulation tests in strip, midstream and digital type:
Ovulation strip test
Ovulation midstream test
Digital ovulation test
Do ovulation tests help?
The assistance that HomeTest ovulation tests offer you is that they help you get to know your body, your cycles, find out when you ovulate and of course focus on the intercourse in your fertile window. Aim for intercourse as often as you can within your fertile window. This will raise your chances to conceive.
How soon will I get pregnant?
Typically, for healthy couples who are trying to become pregnant using ovulation tests every month, it takes an average of 2-3 months to get a positive pregnancy test.
Tip: If your cycles are not stable, you should take your shortest cycle as a guide (out of the last 6 months) and use it to begin the ovulation tests (see table in the instructions booklet). You can also get help from the fertility calendar in our web site. It will offer you information about your cycles, as well as the day you should start the ovulation tests. To use it, click on the following link:
Fertility Calendar by HomeTest
Why do I need to find my ovulation?
A woman who wants to get pregnant easily and quickly must find her ovulation day every month and aim for frequent intercourse within the fertile window in order to increase the chances of conception. Ovulation tests are indicated both for normal cycles, but also for unstable cycles. It is common for a woman to believe that she is ovulating on a certain day of her cycle, but in fact ovulation occurs a few days before or a few days after.
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