Pregnancy Symptoms: Everything You Need to Know

Pregnancy symptoms vary and appear differently for every woman. Depending on the stages of pregnancy we notice different symptoms that sometimes appear milder and sometimes more intense. A pregnancy test is the safest way to know if you are pregnant. With HomeTest's ovulation tests (analogue or digital), you can find the day of ovulation and start trying to conceive. The pregnancy test appears positive about 10 days after the egg is fertilized. However, there may be signs that you are pregnant even before you miss your first period. In some cases even if you have all the symptoms, an early pregnancy test may come back negative. HomeTest's pregnancy tests (analog or digital) give you 99% accurate results. After taking the test, it's a good idea to make an appointment with your gynecologist to confirm the ultrasound result.
- What are pregnancy symptoms and how do we recognize them
- Pregnancy symptoms before the missed period
- Pregnancy symptoms in the early days
- Can I have pregnancy symptoms during my period?
- Pregnancy symptoms - When do they begin?
- Pregnancy symptoms by week
- Pregnancy symptoms that tell if it's a boy or a girl
- Pregnancy symptoms that come and go
- Frequently asked questions about pregnancy symptoms
What are pregnancy symptoms and how do we recognize them
A woman may experience pregnancy symptoms differently than another and differently from pregnancy to pregnancy. Sometimes she shows these symptoms even before the delay of menstruation. For example, the first time she becomes pregnant she may feel nausea but in the second pregnancy she may not have this symptom at all.

The main symptoms of pregnancy are the following:
- Delayed menstruation (period)
The most reliable symptom of pregnancy is the delay of the period and its loss. In the very first days of the delay, you can confirm conception by taking a pregnancy test.
- Nausea or nausea without vomiting
It's rare to feel this early in pregnancy but it can happen. Morning sickness or nausea without vomiting is a symptom of pregnancy, but not all women experience it. It is due to hormonal causes and usually appears after the second or third week of pregnancy. Foods or smells can become unbearable causing nausea.
- Light bleeding - implantation bleeding
A woman during pregnancy may notice blood spots or light bleeding in her underwear. This is called implantation bleeding and occurs about a week after conception when the fertilized egg implants in the endometrium. The fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus, causing light bleeding and cramping pains.
- Breast swelling and tenderness
One of the signs that may occur is breast swelling or tenderness. This is due to the hormonal changes that the body experiences during pregnancy. The breast appears swollen and heavier than usual and is more tender to the touch. In some cases, the color of the perimeter around the nipple is affected and begins to darken.
- Frequent urination
Increased urge to urinate - frequency - appears from the first weeks of pregnancy and in some cases earlier. The phenomenon of frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy before the delay or it can be due to a urinary tract infection, excessive consumption of beverages (coffee, etc.), diabetes mellitus, kidney problems or stress.
- Fatigue or exhaustion
Often women in pregnancy feel tired or exhausted for no reason. This happens because their body has already started to prepare for the pregnancy of the fetus and as a result the body feels exhausted.
- Sleepiness
Fatigue can cause a feeling of sleepiness due to the exhaustion the body feels from the pregnancy process. Rest and sleep help the mother gather the energy she needs.
- Ligury or increased appetite
A pregnant woman has an increased appetite and cravings for foods that she may have even abhorred before pregnancy. Strong desire or cravings for certain foods is a common phenomenon that appears from the first weeks of pregnancy and is due to the fact that the body needs energy to continue to function properly and prepare for pregnancy.
- Lower back pain or cramps
Lower back pain and cramps can be symptoms of waiting period. So it makes sense that they confuse you. But lower back pain and cramps in pregnancy are due to the uterus growing to create a warm and welcoming environment for the fetus.
- Fever - Tithe
With the ovulation tests - as we mentioned above - you can identify the day of ovulation and start trying to conceive. After ovulation occurs, the temperature in the body rises. Tithing continues whether there is a pregnancy or not. On the day of your period the temperature returns to normal. However, if the temperature remains high on that day as well, this is a sign that you may be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test to confirm this.
- Bloating in the abdomen
During pregnancy we notice a gradual swelling in the abdomen. A basic and completely normal symptom that gets worse week by week.
- Constipation - Intestinal disorders
The digestive system is affected during pregnancy and causes intestinal disorders that lead to constipation. The phenomenon of constipation increases as pregnancy progresses, so it is important to pay attention to the diet you follow.
- Mood changes or moodiness
Hormonal changes in a woman's body are often responsible for mood swings and fluctuating emotions. She can go from happy to sad and vice versa in just a few seconds.
- Headache or migraine
Headache during pregnancy is often due to changes in hormones, increased blood circulation, low blood sugar or hunger. Nausea causes dehydration which can lead to headaches. Expansion of blood vessels in the brain during pregnancy can cause migraines which are also linked to nausea and lack of sleep and iron.
- Strange taste in the mouth
Cases have been reported where the expectant mother feels a strange metallic taste in her mouth. Rare but not improbable, as we said before, as every woman can experience different pregnancy symptoms.
Pregnancy symptoms before the missed period
The female body has the ability to tell you that you are pregnant by showing some pregnancy symptoms before the delay. Many women are faced with these symptoms during the first week of pregnancy and before choosing a reliable pregnancy test. They are similar to period symptoms so it is difficult to recognize if it is pregnancy or the start of menstruation.
These are the pregnancy symptoms before the delayed period that indicate pregnancy:
- Breast swelling and tenderness
- Frequent urination
- Fatigue or exhaustion
- Ligury or increased appetite
- Nausea or nausea without vomiting
- Lower back pain or cramps
- Light bleeding - implantation bleeding
- Bloating in the abdomen
- Constipation - Intestinal disorders
- Mood changes or moodiness
- Headache or migraine
- Fever - Tithe
Very early symptoms appear rarely and in very few cases. In any case a pregnancy can be confirmed with a pregnancy test or later by visiting a gynecologist.
Pregnancy symptoms in the early days
Pregnancy symptoms in the first days of pregnancy can appear after ovulation. They usually appear 10 days after ovulation and after you notice a delay or missed period. Ovulation tests are your best friend in your conception journey as they will help you pinpoint your ovulation day and when you are in your fertile window to try. On the HomeTest site you will find reliable ovulation and pregnancy tests that you can purchase separately or in offer bundled with other products. The pregnancy test shows valid results 14 days after ovulation..
Can I have pregnancy symptoms during my period?
Pregnancy symptoms with period may be due to the fact that the symptoms of period are similar to those of pregnancy. However, experts insist that during pregnancy it is impossible for a woman to have a period.
Which are the symptoms that are common between period and pregnancy?
Before jumping to conclusions about whether these are period or pregnancy symptoms, it's a good idea to know what the two have in common. A pregnancy test by HomeTest, can give you all the answers you need even 2-3 days before the delay.
The common symptoms are:
- Nausea
- Breast swelling
- Vaginal bleeding
- Food cravings
- Bloating
- Back pain
- Abdominal pain
- Frequent urination
What causes vaginal bleeding during pregnancy?
There are many factors that can create vaginal bleeding throughout pregnancy. Small blood vessel tears in the lining of the uterus, or tears in the cervix, can be responsible for the appearance of blood during pregnancy. It is also wise to frequently check the PH of the sensitive area with a Vaginal PH test.
Causes of vaginal bleeding:
- Implantation hemorrhage
A few days after fertilization of the egg and the creation of the embryo, it penetrates the walls of the uterus, causing a slight bleeding.
- Threatened, incomplete or complete miscarriage
Threatened miscarriage is when we observe blood in a confirmed pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy that is not due to physiological causes and there is a risk of miscarriage.
Incomplete abortion is when the body has started the process of natural abortion without completing it and products of pregnancy remain in the intrauterine cavity.
Complete abortion is when the body has started and completed the abortion process with no traces of tissue left inside the uterus.
- Ectopic pregnancy
An extremely dangerous pregnancy as it endangers the life of the fetus as well as the pregnant woman. The fertilized egg attaches to the outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes, so you must terminate the pregnancy.
- Biochemical pregnancy
Miscarriage is most common during the first trimester of pregnancy. Biochemical pregnancy is when the β-chorionic gonadotropin test shows high values and informs us of the existence of pregnancy without being able to see the fetus on the ultrasound and the pregnancy is terminated prematurely.
Pregnancy symptoms - When do they begin?

The first symptoms of pregnancy begin as soon as the egg is fertilized and the process of preparing the uterus for pregnancy begins. Of course this varies from woman to woman and from organization to organization. There are women who didn't show any symptoms throughout their pregnancy apart from a swollen belly and others who experienced their pregnancy much more intensely. The first sign of a pregnancy is the loss of the first period, and then everything else follows. Symptoms may vary according to the week you are in.
Pregnancy symptoms by week:

Pregnancy symptoms appear gradually and differ according to the week of pregnancy. They can appear more than one in the same week and differently in each pregnancy. The most common are missed periods, nausea, bloating and cravings. Many of these can look like period symptoms and the only way to confirm a pregnancy is a pregnancy test or a visit to the gynecologist.
Pregnancy symptoms - 1st week
In the first week you may not feel any pregnancy symptoms and this is because you are not actually pregnant yet. The first week of pregnancy is considered the first week of your cycle and starts from the last day of your period. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact day when the egg was fertilized and for this reason the gynecologist calculates the first week from your last period. Two weeks after your last period, you are in ovulation stage. And two weeks after ovulation, you can confirm pregnancy by taking a pregnancy test. The symptoms you feel during the first week are essentially those of your period since as we mentioned, the first week is the week of your period. Such symptoms may be the following:
- Vaginal hemorrhage (Vaginal bleeding)
The body tries to shed the already existing endometrium that was not fertilized during the last ovulation and create a new one for the upcoming conception.
- Abdominal pain and lower back pain
The contractions of the uterus to expel the endometrium create abdominal pain and back pain.
- Mood changes or moodiness
Hormones change causing mood swings or in some cases mood swings.
- Headache
A common symptom is a headache due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body.
What happens in the first week of pregnancy and how does conception take place
The first week of pregnancy is the week of a woman's period. During the period of menstruation, the woman should take care to eat properly and rest. Mental and physical calmness are essential components of conception.
The process of conception begins with the production of new endometrium. Progesterone is responsible for the formation of new endometrium and its decrease causes the period to appear. Estrogen increases just like progesterone. These two hormones help in conception and prepare the body for pregnancy.
The uterus is the organ that will house the fetus during its creation and throughout pregnancy. The uterus looks like an upside down pear and its exact shape varies from woman to woman. Intrauterine cavity is the cavity of the uterus in which the fetus will develop. In the first week of pregnancy, it is about 6-8cm long and weighs 50-60gr. The endometrial cavity looks like an upside down triangle and has 3 holes. The lower opening is connected to the vagina and the other two, one on the right and one on the left, with the fallopian tubes leading to the ovaries. From the ovaries we take the egg that is released with ovulation 2 weeks before menstruation. The egg travels to the fallopian tubes to be fertilized by a sperm so that conception can occur. After fertilization, it attaches to the walls of the endometrial cavity and implants.
Pregnancy symptoms - 2nd week
In the 2nd week the lining of the uterus begins to thicken and prepares for conception. After the ovaries release the mature egg and it finds itself with the sperm in the fallopian tubes, it is fertilized and transported to the uterus. Progesterone and estrogen levels increase. 2nd week pregnancy symptoms that may appear are:
- Abdominal pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation
- Breast tenderness and swelling due to hormonal changes
- Hormonal heightened sense of smell
- Frequent urination
Pregnancy symptoms - 3rd week
The 3rd week is essentially the week of conception and the beginning of pregnancy. As we mentioned above, the egg is fertilized during ovulation and begins its journey from the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The fertilized egg begins to divide and turns into a very tiny ball of cells. The fertilized egg that has turned into a ball of cells, or blastocyst as it is now called, is ready to travel to the uterus.
From the end of the 3rd week onwards, it is time to find out if you are pregnant. Pregnancy tests can detect the hormone HCG, i.e. β-chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone increases and multiplies up to the 11th week of pregnancy. Pregnancy tests can show positive results 14 days after the egg is fertilized. Of course, there are also cases where pregnancy tests give results up to 4 days before the expected period.
What symptoms will you experience in the 3rd week of pregnancy?
- Light bleeding called implantation bleeding, from the end of the 3rd week onwards. A completely normal symptom as it occurs from the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus.
- Abdominal pain or cramps that look like period symptoms and may confuse you, along with implantation bleeding.
- Nausea caused by an increase in the hormone β-chorionic gonadotropin.
- Fatigue or exhaustion also responsible for β-chorionic gonadotropin.
- Breast swelling and tenderness due to changing hormones.
- Increase in body temperature due to ovulation
There are other symptoms that you may experience although the most common are the ones we have just mentioned.
Pregnancy symptoms - 4th week
In the fourth week of pregnancy the fetus is the size of a poppy seed. Theoretically it is still called a blastocyst since no embryo has formed and it looks like a ball of cells. The blastocyst has completed its journey and is preparing to implant in the uterus. Then the amniotic sac with the amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord begin to develop. About 6-12 days after fertilization, the hormone β-chorionic gonadotropin is released and the period stops. In this phase, smoking, alcohol, stress and certain foods and medicines to avoid miscarriage are strictly prohibited.
The first symptoms of pregnancy in the 4th week are also the most common. Many of the symptoms you may encounter later.
- Abdominal pain and cramps are a sign that the blastocyst has successfully implanted in the uterus.
- Nausea due to a surge of hormones that is more pronounced after the 9th week of pregnancy.
- Breast tenderness and pain from increased progesterone production.
- Frequent urination that can last until the end of pregnancy.
- Fatigue and feeling tired as your body is working overtime for you and your baby.
- Mood swings as many hormones change at the same time and usually subside after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
- Bloating due to progesterone and slight discomfort.
- Rise in body temperature due to the increase in progesterone.
Pregnancy symptoms - 5th week
In the 5th week of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a tadpole and is the size of a sesame, only 2 millimeters. The pregnancy test can easily confirm if you are pregnant as the levels of HCG (beta-chorionic gonadotropin) are very high. His circulatory system of blood vessels, heart, nervous system, lungs and even his genitals begin to form. Unfortunately we can't make out any of it yet as as we said it's very tiny. The embryo consists of three layers, the ectoderm, the mesoderm and the endoderm. These three layers will later form his organs. The heart is the first functioning organ and we will be able to listen to it later.
Pregnancy symptoms in the 5th week are as follows:
- Fatigue
- Increased salivation
- Pain and tenderness in the breast
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Change in food cravings and in food preferences
- Increased temperature
- Increased or decreased appetite
- Cravings
- Congested nose
- Tingling in abdomen
Abdominal cramps are one of the pregnancy symptoms that we don't come across often. This is a pull in the hypogastrium that causes discomfort as the uterus and body change.
Pregnancy symptoms - 6th week
Pregnancy symptoms in the 6th week of pregnancy are no different from those you may have had in the previous ones. The fetus is now the size of a lentil and its heart beats faster and almost twice as fast as yours. In this phase, the lungs, liver, thyroid gland and intestine begin to develop. In the 6th week, the neural tube that connects the brain to the spinal cord will be completed. His facial features begin to appear as well as his wing-like limbs. Blood pressure drops, causing you to feel dizzy or faint.
Pregnancy symptoms in the 6th week are the same as in the previous weeks, ie:
- Nausea
- Change in food cravings and in food preferences
- Increased temperature
- Increased or decreased appetite
- Cravings
- Fatigue
- Pain and tenderness in the breast
- Constipation
- Frequent urination
Pregnancy symptoms - 7th week
The fetus is twice the size of the 7th week of pregnancy and is now the size of a blueberry. His head is ⅓ the size of his body and the nostrils and eyes are starting to form more clearly. His brain is developing at a rapid rate and his limbs are also slowly taking on a cleaner form. We still can't tell if it's a boy or a girl. The length of the embryo is from 5-8 millimeters. It develops a pancreas that produces insulin and helps metabolize its energy.
The pregnancy symptoms observed in the 7th week of pregnancy apart from nausea and fatigue are the following:
- Increased sense of smell
Estrogens are responsible for increasing this sensation since they increase rapidly.
- Acne
Hormonal changes in your body can cause acne breakouts
- Increased salivation
It is related to nausea and possibly due to hormonal changes
In addition:
- Heartburn and indigestion
- Change in food cravings and changes in food preferences
- Increased temperature
- Increased or decreased appetite
- Food cravings
- Fatigue
- Frequent urination
- Breast pain and tenderness
Pregnancy symptoms - 8th week
During the 8th week of pregnancy the fetus begins to take on a human form and its features are more distinct. It is the size of a large grape and its length reaches 1.6 cm. Little hands and feet have formed and his spine has also formed. His organs are in place and the nervous system in the brain begins to develop. His external genitalia are fully formed, although we can't see them yet. His heart can be heard clearly on the ultrasound and beats 150-170 times faster. You can listen to your baby's heartbeat every day using a Fetal Doppler. The fetus is starting to move even though you can't feel it yet. The uterus is constantly growing and the amniotic fluid is increasing. The baby acquires more pronounced features such as the nose, mouth and upper lip. Your blood circulation increases as well as its quantity.
The most common pregnancy symptoms in the 8th week are also the most intense. Fatigue is now a permanent phenomenon as your body works harder until the baby is fully developed. New symptoms appear such as:
- Creation of varicose veins
Blood circulation increases and combined with the increase in hormones and the enlargement of the uterus, causes varicose veins to appear
- You have strange or unusual dreams
The stress you have as a first-time mom causes you to have more vivid and strange dreams
- Increased vaginal fluids
With all that going on inside you it is perfectly normal for your vaginal fluids to increase
- Bloating and gas
Quite an annoying symptom but you cannot avoid it
- Contractions - Pulling - Pinching in abdomen
There is no reason to worry as the reason for these discomforts is the growing uterus. If it still causes you anxiety and the discomfort is unbearable or persistent, it is advisable to consult your gynecologist
Nausea, fatigue, cravings and everything we've mentioned in the past weeks are also symptoms.
Pregnancy symptoms - 9th week
Week 9 is the beginning of the end of the 1st trimester and the symptoms are still intense. Your baby, as you can now call him, is the size of an olive, measuring 2.3cm long and weighing just 2g. Its basic organs and body parts are complete as are its basic functions and features. The placenta will take care of its weight gain from now on, producing hormones and giving the baby all the nutrients it needs to grow. The creation of bones in the hands begins and the eyes have acquired lids but remain closed.
As for the pregnancy symptoms in the 9th week, they remain the same as the previous one, with the only difference being that you can feel nauseous at any time of the day and your breasts will have grown quite a bit.
Pregnancy symptoms - 10th week
In the 10th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to develop more and more bones and cartilage. Its size is about the size of a kumquat with a weight of about 4 grams and a length of 3 centimeters. The tissues and organs in his body begin to mature. As for the eyes and ears they are slowly going into the right place. Organs such as the liver, kidneys, brain, and large and small intestines have already begun to function normally. His fingers still have calluses and his fingerprints and fingernails are gradually forming. The baby teeth have formed and the taste buds are developing. In boys, testosterone production begins in the testicles. The kidneys are producing more urine and his mouth seems to be moving.
Pregnancy symptoms in the 10th week are exactly the same as the previous ones, with minimal additions.
Additional symptoms of pregnancy in the 10th week:
- Stomach cramps or pressure
As the baby grows, the uterus grows and the pelvis opens, causing these discomforts
- More visible veins
Due to increased blood flow and production, the veins appear more pronounced than usual
- Indigestion and heartburn
Changes in metabolism can cause indigestion and heartburn
- Vaginal yeast infection
Vaginal yeast infection can occur in some cases due to hormones
The good news is that the nausea is starting to subside and you can start eating more properly.
Pregnancy symptoms by week and trimester
Week 1st to 13th - First trimester of pregnancy
The first trimester of pregnancy is from the 1st week to the 13th. During this time, the organism and the body begin to change and prepare to host the embryo. The symptoms that you are pregnant are clearly visible and you notice many changes in your body as well as your mental world. Your hormones are increasing and the symptoms are becoming more and more noticeable. During this time based on your symptoms, you can take a pregnancy test and confirm if you are indeed pregnant.
Week 14th to 26th - Second trimester of pregnancy
In the second trimester of pregnancy, many of the symptoms have started to subside. Nausea seems to be a thing of the past and the baby has now taken human form. He grows hair all over his body and begins to hear outside sounds. He has fully formed claws and is playing with the umbilical cord. Your belly is visibly growing and the baby is moving, you will even feel it kicking for the first time. Symptoms like moodiness and mood swings go away. Your gums seem to be more sensitive and may bleed during brushing. Your weight gradually increases and you may feel itchy skin. Your legs are swollen due to weight gain and fluid retention. In the middle of the second trimester you may experience varicose veins, stretch marks, hot flashes and swelling of the extremities.
Pregnancy symptoms in the second trimester that you should watch out for:
- Unrelenting headache
- Nausea and discomfort
- Acute abdominal pain
- Pressure in the pelvis
- Increased vaginal fluid
- Vaginal bleeding
- Contractions
If any of the above symptoms persist and are severe, contact your gynecologist.
Week 27th to 41st - Third trimester of pregnancy
We are reaching the third and last trimester of pregnancy where you have to slowly prepare for the arrival of the baby. Your baby can now close his eyes and suck his fingers. The baby gets antibodies and fully develops its brain. Its final weight can reach from 3 to 4.5 kg and its height from 48 to 55 cm. In the last weeks of pregnancy, bathroom visits will become more frequent. At this point you should be on the lookout for signs of pre-eclampsia.
Pre-eclampsia is a complication during pregnancy and can be noticed if you have high blood pressure, if swelling occurs (in the extremities, but mainly in the face), if protein appears in the urine. These three are the main symptoms. The causes of preeclampsia are not yet clear, but they appear to be related to reduced blood flow to the fetus from the placenta, from the early stages of pregnancy.
Also in this trimester you may experience hemorrhoids.
The uterus grows and causes difficulty in breathing as it takes up a lot of space.
Braxton Hicks contractions look like normal contractions or contractions and may worry you without being dangerous.
Finally comes the time of delivery and the moment when you will hold your baby in your arms for the first time.
Pregnancy symptoms that tell if it's a boy or a girl
In addition to the ultrasound, there are some pregnancy symptoms that may indicate whether you will have a boy or a girl. From a long time ago, women believed that they could determine the sex of the baby based on the symptoms they had during pregnancy. Of course, these are all theories and cannot be proven scientifically. Below you will see some of these symptoms that help you distinguish the sex of the baby.
Pregnancy symptoms for girl
- Belly high and weight in the center
- Oily skin or acne
- Oily hair
- Morning sickness
- Craving for sweets
- Increased heart rate
- Increased hair growth
- Cloudy urine
- Swelling of nose
Pregnancy symptoms for boy
- Belly low
- Dry skin
- Healthy hair
- Food cravings
- Mood swings
- Dark colored urine
- Cold feet
- Dry hands
- Minimal morning sickness
- Round and pointed belly
- Dark nipples
- Desire for meat consumption
- Glow in the face
- Migraines
- Hair growth above and below the belly button
- Swollen feet
- Clumsiness
The sex of the baby can be determined with certainty on the ultrasound at the 16th week of pregnancy.
Pregnancy symptoms that come and go
There are many pregnancy symptoms that come and go without being a cause for concern. Especially in the first trimester, many symptoms may appear at the beginning of pregnancy and later disappear. There will be days when a woman suffers from nausea and dizziness and others when she may feel nothing. The variety and frequency of symptoms vary from woman to woman and nothing can guarantee their temporal consistency.
The only time it could cause concern is if from where you felt the baby moving in the belly, it suddenly stops for more than a day. All pregnancy symptoms come and go except the baby moving. If you notice something like this, contact your gynecologist immediately.
Below we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding pregnancy symptoms and how each woman perceives them.
Frequently asked questions about pregnancy symptoms:

When do pregnancy symptoms go away completely?
Pregnancy symptoms subside completely on the day of delivery. Throughout pregnancy there are symptoms that show its proper functioning. Some of the symptoms are there to tell you that something is wrong or that your body needs something. From the second trimester, the movement of the baby in the abdomen begins and ends with its birth.
Can I have pregnancy symptoms without being pregnant?
There are no pregnancy symptoms without being pregnant. Many times we confuse the symptoms of pregnancy with those of the period. Abdominal and lower back pain, heartburn, nausea and moodiness are signs of expecting a period that are often mistaken for pregnancy.
Why don't I have pregnancy symptoms?
It is possible - but rare - for a woman to have no pregnancy symptoms at all in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Each organism perceives the miracle of pregnancy differently and behaves in its own way. Some symptoms may be mild for a woman and she may notice them after the 16th week. Some even resemble those of menstruation so that we understand that it is a pregnancy after the loss of the first period. The only noticeable symptom is the movement of the baby and the swelling of the belly.
Twin pregnancy - What symptoms will I have?
In twin pregnancy the symptoms are much more intense and clearer. Women have reported experiencing these symptoms to a much greater extent than others in a single pregnancy. Symptoms that betray pregnancy in twins are the following:
● Severe morning sickness
While morning sickness is considered a basic symptom of pregnancy, in twin pregnancy it has a greater frequency and intensity.
● Perceptible fatigue
Fatigue leads to exhaustion when it comes to twins as the body is working extra hard to cope and the surge in hormones is significantly high.
● High HCG (β-chorionic gonadotropin)
Very high levels of the HCG hormone usually indicate the existence of twins.
● Light bleeding
The appearance of blood may be more frequent and intense.
● Weight gain
Your weight is increasing at a faster rate.
● Early fetal movement
You will feel movement in your abdomen faster than usual.
● Big belly
A big belly and weight gain very early in pregnancy is a sign that you are expecting twins.
● Fetal heartbeat
On the ultrasound you will hear two hearts instead of one.
I have pregnancy symptoms but the test came back negative
A negative pregnancy test may be due to the fact that the symptoms you experienced did not indicate pregnancy but the upcoming arrival of your period. In some cases a test is negative because it was done earlier than it should have been and the HCG (β-chorionic gonadotropin) values are still low. Usually pregnancy tests give you accurate results 14 days after ovulation. You should also know that with the morning urine of the day you are more likely to get the correct results. Drinking too much fluid before the test dilutes the HCG hormone and you may get inaccurate or false results.
You can also get negative results if you do not follow the instructions for using the pregnancy test correctly, so you must be very careful when using the test. Also, do not use the test after the expiration date. In rare cases an inaccurate result may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. The pregnancy tests by Hometest have an accuracy of 99%.
Is stomach pain a symptom of pregnancy?
During pregnancy one of the most common symptoms is severe stomach pain. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, stomach cramps and an enlarged uterus can cause stomach pain. Constipation also causes discomfort and stomach upsets in the pregnant mother.
However, stomach pain, in addition to being a symptom of pregnancy, can be a sign of something more serious.
Risks of stomach pain:
- Pre-eclampsia
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Premature delivery
- Ectopic
- Placental abruption
- Urinary tract infection
- Kidney stones
- Stomach ulcer
- Improper diet
- Infections
- Gastritis
- Miscarriage
If stomach pain persists consult your doctor before taking medication.
When are cramps in the abdomen a symptom of pregnancy?
Abdominal cramps are a pregnancy symptom when you are in the stage of pregnancy where the uterus starts to grow and take up more space. Pulling in the lower abdomen and contractions are also normal symptoms.
Are uterine pains a symptom of pregnancy or are they hiding something else?
As the uterus grows, severe pains appear and are a key pregnancy symptom. Your body is changing in order to welcome your baby and pains in different parts of the body are more often felt. Severe pain in the uterus that is not accompanied by other symptoms may be due to other causes.
Causes of uterine pains:
- Endometriosis
- Uterine prolapse
- Salpingitis
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Fibroids
- Tumor
There are other conditions as well as viruses and bacteria that can be responsible for uterine pain. In any case it is wise to consult your doctor.
Is pain during intercourse a symptom of pregnancy?
The pain itself is not, but in a pregnant woman pain during sexual intercourse is a symptom of pregnancy that hides certain risks. In a well-developed pregnancy, sexual intercourse is permitted as long as it is not done in such a way as to harm the mother or the fetus. Contact can occur up to the 36th week without any risk. The fetus is far from the point of contact and there is no way to harm it. Only when there are complications is it wise to abstain from intercourse.
Reasons and symptoms that do not allow contact:
- Lower back pain
- Multiple pregnancy
- Blood from placental abruption
- Placenta previa
- History of premature birth or miscarriage
- In vitro fertilization (IVF)
- Cervical insufficiency
- Vaginal bleeding
Always seek the advice of your doctor or gynecologist to answer any questions you may have.
What are the strangest pregnancy symptoms?
Pregnancy symptoms that may be considered strange happen all the time. Heightened senses and cravings for unusual foods are some of the weirder symptoms we'll look at below.
Increased sense of smell: Your sense of smell will be sharpened and you will be able to sense smells around you that you were previously unaware of.
Nightmares: As your hormones rise along with your anxiety levels about the new life being created within you, you will often have nightmares.
Food cravings: You will have frequent food cravings. Foods you used to avoid, now you will want to eat all the time.
Changes in libido: Your desire for intercourse will be increased.
Strange taste in the mouth: Many women feel a strange metallic taste in the mouth.
Skin changes: Your skin will become more oily or drier.
Hair is healthier: Your hair will become richer and shinier.
Many strange pregnancy symptoms have been observed that differ from woman to woman and manifest themselves differently.
Are there rare pregnancy symptoms?
Pregnancy symptoms that appear earlier than usual or are less known can rarely be considered. It is not certain that a woman will show all the symptoms, nor that they will be the same in every pregnancy. The rarest are usually the fluids that our body secretes and those that have to do with changes in appearance.
Strange vaginal discharge: In addition to blood spots, women rarely report vaginal mucus in a sticky, white, or yellow form.
Nasal congestion: It is not a cold but a symptom of pregnancy due to increased blood flow.
Swollen gums: Your gums may become swollen and bleed when brushing because of hormone levels.
Gases: Indigestion caused by the change in your metabolism can give you gas.
If you have a question about the pregnancy symptoms you are experiencing and are not sure what they are, you can always seek the advice of your doctor.
What are the 10 most annoying pregnancy symptoms?
Surely many women will agree that many of the pregnancy symptoms are annoying. Here are the 10 we think are the most annoying:
- Nausea
- Frequent urination
- Hemorrhoids
- Bloating
- Pain in the breasts and abdomen
- Heartburns
- Stretch marks
- Increased hair growth
- Gases
- Constipation
Taking medication to relieve bothersome symptoms should only be done under the guidance of your doctor.
Could I be having a retrograde pregnancy and still experience pregnancy symptoms?
Pregnancy symptoms usually appear in the first trimester and the reason for stopping them is a recurrent pregnancy or miscarriage. Retrograde pregnancy or miscarriage is a pregnancy that, while progressing normally, is interrupted during the first trimester of pregnancy and usually before the 20th week. Retrograde pregnancy can be detected on ultrasound as there are no obvious symptoms. If it happens during the first trimester, the problem is found in the fetus, while for the second trimester, the problem is usually found in the mother, perhaps due to e.g. of cervical insufficiency.
Causes of retrograde pregnancy in the first trimester:
● Mother's age
The risk of retrograde pregnancy increases after the mother's 30s and peaks at the age of 35 to 40.
● Hormonal problems
A wide range of hormonal problems can occur at any stage of pregnancy.
● Viral infections
A problem with the fetus's chromosomes, uterine abnormalities, and immune factors play an important role in retrograde pregnancy.
● Obesity
Poor nutrition during pregnancy can affect the fetus.
● Smoking
One of the first things that is strictly prohibited in a pregnancy is smoking as it can cause placental abruption and other problems.
● Consumption of alcohol and caffeine products
Alcohol and caffeine when consumed in significant quantities is a factor that can cause retrograde pregnancy.
● Use of medication
Before the process of conception even starts, you should consult your doctor about taking medications, as many medications are prohibited during pregnancy.
Causes of retrograde pregnancy in the second trimester:
- Cervical insufficiency
- Health problems or conditions
- Infections
- Diabetes
- Food poisoning
- Submucosal fibroids
- Structural abnormalities of the uterus
- Polycystic ovaries
Symptoms in retrograde pregnancy:
There are no clear symptoms in retrograde pregnancy, but some factors may help to understand if it is something like this. Heavy vaginal bleeding and severe abdominal pain often indicate an abnormality in pregnancy. Vaginal fluids and tissue debris appearing in underwear should be taken seriously. In a retrograde pregnancy the pregnancy symptoms subside and stop.
How is retrograde pregnancy diagnosed?
Usually the diagnosis in retrograde pregnancy is made through an ultrasound. In many cases, the pregnant woman does not understand that the pregnancy has been interrupted, as a result of which she learns it during the first ultrasound examination. Another way is a blood test to see if the values of HCG (beta-chorionic gonadotropin) and progesterone have increased.
Treatment for retrograde pregnancy after its diagnosis:
To deal with it, we need to know the factors that led to retrograde pregnancy. This depends on the trimester and whether the miscarriage was partial or total. In advanced pregnancy there is a chance that pregnancy products have remained in the uterus and the doctor should proceed with scraping them. This is defined as a partial miscarriage. In total miscarriage, the doctor will intervene only if there is unceasing bleeding. It is usually recommended that 3 cycles pass before the couple starts trying to conceive again.
There are no strong signs to indicate a retrograde pregnancy and for this reason it is a traumatic experience for women and also for their partners as they discover it unexpectedly. Sadness, anger and insecurity are feelings that can arise in the couple and disturb their mental world causing depression.
Depression in pregnancy - Symptoms:
In addition to miscarriage that can lead to depression, there are other factors that create pregnancy depression with obvious symptoms. Women's mood swings during pregnancy and moodiness are common symptoms that can cause depression.
The most common symptoms are the following:
- Anxiety
- Decreased appetite and energy
- Sadness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Desocialization
- Guilts
- Frequent fights
- Sleepiness
- Panic attacks
- Uncertainty
- Anger
- Intense anxiety
- Suicidal tendencies
Common causes of pregnancy depression:
The most likely causes for pregnancy depression are social factors, predisposition and intra-family relationships. It can also be due to physical causes from pregnancy symptoms such as weight gain, moodiness, pain in various parts of the body and sudden cessation of certain activities. Financial and marital problems in the couple are issues that cause anxiety and worry in the pregnant woman. It may be due to hereditary factors from the family environment. Complications or a previous pregnancy loss affect the pregnant woman and create questions, guilt and insecurities. Single women or women who have unexpectedly become pregnant are more likely to experience depression, especially if they are young. Finally, women with a history of abuse by their partners or by their family environment tend to have depressive or suicidal tendencies.
Diagnosis in pregnancy depression:
The diagnosis can be made by the woman's own environment and it can be verified that it is pregnancy depression by visiting the doctor or the psychologist. If the symptoms are strong and obvious it is easy to determine that something abnormal is happening. Sudden changes in behavior that are not due to pregnancy symptoms are a sign of depression.
Pregnancy depression - Treatment:
The treatment of the problem can only be done by a specialist doctor who will judge whether it is pregnancy depression. At the first obvious symptoms, it is good to seek his advice immediately. Starting psychotherapy at the onset of depression and understanding the problem help significantly in treatment.
We should know that the mental health of the mother directly affects the infant as well. A happy and calm mother equals a healthy, calm and properly developed infant.
If the text helped you understand if you have pregnancy symptoms and what stage it is, all that remains is to get a pregnancy test by HomeTest to find out in a certain and reliable way if you are pregnant.
If, on the other hand, you are now starting your journey to conception, the ovulation tests they will help you discover the correct time to begin trying.
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