How to achieve pregnancy easily and naturally

Modern lifestyle affects various systems of our body – and fertility is one of them. There are several factors that can adversely affect a woman's fertility: hormonal disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, irregular cycles, endometriosis, hormone deficiency, short luteal phase, lack of LH hormone, high levels of prolactin, etc.
Poor nutrition plays a big role, as does exposure to certain chemicals.
Age does not play such an important role, unless the woman is approaching menopause.
How to increase your fertility naturally
1. Nutrition
The most important factor as far as fertility is concerned. Nowadays, most people do not eat properly even if they weigh more than normal. Simply put, the body will not allow conception or pregnancy if it does not have the necessary substances to maintain pregnancy! Many women change their diet by consuming low-fat, high-fiber foods in an effort to lose weight while eating healthier. Weight loss promotes fertility, but if it is not done the right way it will have the exact opposite result, ie it will lead to reduced fertility, as it will deprive all the necessary proteins and fat from the body, which are essential for the production of hormones.
You should consult your gynecologist or nutritionist to give you instructions on proper nutrition. In general, however, it would be good to follow the following tips:
- Remove processed cereals, processed foods, sugar from your diet and limit starch. Eat more carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits and prefer starch from other sources such as sweet potatoes.
- Consume healthier fats contained in foods such as olive oil, butter, organic meat, organic eggs, nuts, etc.
- Protein should come from organic meat, organic eggs and nuts. This diet should be chosen especially during pregnancy as adequate protein helps reduce the risk of complications.
- Eat lots of vegetables, especially the green leaf ones such as lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery. Clean the vegetables thoroughly to remove pesticides.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Check your insulin levels even if you do not have type 2 diabetes.
For most women, proper nutrition alone is enough to help the body increase fertility. It is very important to continue the healthy diet even after achieving pregnancy and not stop eating properly. It will benefit your body as well as the fetus. Remember! Pregnancy is not a reason to ruin your diet!
2. Lifestyle
It is no secret that bad habits such as smoking, drug use and very high caffeine consumption reduce fertility. But there are other equally bad factors such as:
- Lack of sleep. Sleep plays an important role in the production of many hormones. Research shows that women with low levels of melatonin and serotonin have a lower luteal phase and are less likely to conceive. Lack of sleep also reduces the body's ability to properly regulate adrenaline, cortisol and insulin resulting in reduced fertility. Sleep is considered adequate when you wake up and feel rested, not just awake. If your sleep patterns are not restful, this may mean that you need to increase your sleep patterns or supplement your sleep patterns during the day. Also, sleeping in complete darkness can help melatonin levels.
- Exposure to chemicals. Avoid cleaning chemicals, plastic water bottles, and various chemical cosmetics.
- Minimal or excessive physical exercise. Except of lack of exercise, excessive exercise can be just as harmful. Body fat should not fall below 18-15%.
- High stress levels. Easy to say, hard to do. Especially with the modern lifestyle. Try to find activities with which you relax and get rid of stressful habits or situations.
- Various medicines. Under no circumstances should you take medications or other chemicals without the advice of your doctor. Steroids and antidepressants should be avoided like any hormone-containing or hormone-affecting drugs.
3. Herbs
Although proper nutrition and a good lifestyle are factors for inceased fertility, many women resort to NATURAL supplements and herbs – and they are not wrong! A very good natural food supplement is cod liver oil, which in addition to increasing fertility is very good for the developing fetus.
Apart from cod liver oil you can consume the following herbs:
- Raspberry leaves
- Nettle leaves
- Dandelion
- Alfalfa
- Red clover
- Maka
- Wicker
CAUTION: Do not consume any of the above herbs if you are taking fertility medicines or chemical contraceptives at the same time! Consult your doctor before consuming any herbs, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases or syndromes.
4. Vitamins and supplements
Vitamins that promote fertility and help the proper development of pregnancy:
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- Folic acid
- Zinc
- Selenium
- B vitamins (group of vitamins)
As with herbs, you should consult your doctor before using them and carefully follow the instructions for use.
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