Pregnancy with one ovary. Feasible or not?

Pregnancy with one ovary. Feasible or not?
Ovulation is the monthly release of an ovum from the ovary, either from the right or left ovary. Most women have two ovaries (one on the right and one on the left). Ovulation can happen every month from one or the other ovary. When an ovary has been removed or if a woman has only one ovary from birth, then the existing ovary usually takes over the whole process of ovulation, releasing an egg each month, on average.
Achieving pregnancy with one ovary is both feasible and easy as long as the fallopian tube is intact. The fallopian tube is the small tube that connects the ovary to the uterus. If the fallopian tube is missing, or if it is blocked and the tube does not work, physical conception is almost unlikely.
In order to get pregnant, you need 3 essential ingredients:
• Healthy and many sperms, which are produced by the male and are deposited in the female reproductive system with sexual contact.
• A healthy egg that is released from one of the ovaries every month.
• The tube that connects the uterus to the ovary. Inside the fallopian tube, the ova and the sperm will meet and the fertilization will take place. Then the fertilized egg will move to the uterus for implantation.
When there is only one ovary, then to maximize the chances of conception, and minimize the time of unsuccesful pregnancy attemps, you must:
• Use ovulation tests to find your fertile days.
• Have frequent sexual contacts focused at your ovulation time.
• 15 days after the first positive ovulation test, it is the day you expect your period. You can take a pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant.
If you have only one ovary and do not get pregnant within 12 months, or if you are over 40 years old, you may want to consult your gynecologist to make sure there is no other reason why you have difficulty getting pregnant.
In extremely rare cases, the egg (which is released in the abdominal cavity and absorbed by the body if there is no oviduct) can float through the body fluids and meet the sperm. This extremely rare case puts the woman at risk for an ectopic pregnancy. It is a life-threatening condition and should be treated immediately in a hospital.
The good news is that in any case, pregnancy is feasible when there is only one ovary, just in some cases may need extra help.
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