How does the body protect itself from vaginal infections?
Most bacteria and other pathogens do not grow in an acidic environment. The female body has a protection system which ensures low acidity (3.8 to 4.5 pH) of the vagina. The normal flora of the vagina consists mainly of "good" bacteria, lactobacilli that produce lactic acid and create an acidic environment that is not conducive to the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Does the pH levels in the vagina change?
The pH in the vagina varies. Possible causes of change are:
- Bacterial vaginitis.
- Bacterial infections of many microbes simultaneously.
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Premature rupture of amniotic sac.
- Lack of estrogen.
- Postoperative infections from wounds.
- Excessive care of the sensitive area.
- Treatment with antibiotics.
Does the pH variations lead to danger?
The pH value in the vagina is important to vary within the normal range (3.8 to 4.5 pH) for the protection of the vagina and to maintain healthy vaginal flora. Rise of pH value may be due to growth of pathogens and vaginal infections.
What are the symptoms of a vaginal infection?
- Itching
- Burning
- Dryness
- Salivary
- Fishy odor
- Vaginal dysviosis
20-30% of all women visiting the gynecologist suffer from infections in the vaginal area.
However, while the infection progresses in the vagina, these symptoms may not make their presence felt for a long time!
Pathogenic organisms can endanger pregnancy?
15-20% of pregnants are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. In this case the risks are:
- Preterm birth.
- Abortion.
- Appearance of chorioamnionitis.
- Premature rupture of amniotic sac.
- Fever during labor.
- Postpartum endometritis.
- Bacterial infection of the fetus.
- Underweight babies.
Regular measurement at home of the vaginal pH, reduces the risk of infections to pregnants.
How can I tell if I am at risk?
With this test you can easily and reliably check the acidity of your vagina and thus treat disruptions in the sensitive area as they occur.
Once the pH strip located on the applicator comes in contact with the vaginal secretions, a change in color occurs, which corresponds to a distinct value in the range of colors. This value is the result of the test.
It is very important that the pH value of a clean vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5!
What to do if the pH is not within normal levels?
There is no reason for immediate concern! In case of increased pH value, repeat the test after a few hours or the next day. If the pH value is still beyond the normal range, consult your gynecologist. Remember that the pH in the vagina can be changed slightly due to a number of factors, without necessarily the existence of any disease.
How often should I check the pH of my vagina?
The regular use of vaginal pH tests, provides the ability to control the microbiological balance of the vaginal area and should be carried out once every 10 days as part of a routine screening.
Also recommended:
- When changes occur in everyday life (illness, stress, new sexual partner, medication, pelvic surgery).
- Upon activity in seawater or pool.
- In case of frequent occurrence in the sensitive area of discomfort, such as itching, burning, dryness, salivary, fishy odor.
- In menopause.
- During pregnancy, where the measurement should be done 2 times a week.
pH values and pregnancy
Especially women who are pregnant should measure the vaginal pH often, more often than other women. This is because an increased vaginal pH has been associated with an increased risk of preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes. For more information consult your gynecologist.
Vaginal health disorder and appearance of vaginitis often cause discomfort and generally affects the psychology of women. A normal vaginal discharge has a pH which ranges from 3.5 to 4.8 and destroys every pathogen. If it becomes alkaline, ie if it reaches or exceeds 5, there is the possibility of appearance of pathological bacteria in the vagina, which may not have particular symptoms, but still cause problems. The increase of the vaginal pH causes the production of the characteristic fishy odor found in bacterial vaginitis.
Apart from the known basic rules of hygiene that should be followed to prevent the development or recurrence of a vaginitis, the pH measurement can be done by the pregnant woman herself with special applicators to determine the pH value. Placing the applicator into the vagina and touching the side wall, its color changes within 2-3 seconds and based on a color table on the package, it shows the exact pH value. The measurement is made at the discretion of their home and can be done once a week.